No, the boys are not back, it's just me. I have decided to return to the blogosphere after a year and a half long hiatus. I managed to finish a degree in the meantime so all was not wasted. I created my previous blog - What Katie Does and Did - whilst on my year abroad in Spain and it was a means of documenting everything I did. My life currently is not quite as thrilling as constant tapas and sangria; nevertheless, here I am - back in the blogging game.
I’ve decided to use this as a bit of a diary even though I have never previously managed to keep one. The closest I got to it was in junior school and at the top of the page where it said “date” I would write the name of the boy/celebrity/Disney prince I was infatuated with at the time and therefore wanted to date. Not sure I quite understood the concept of a diary back then.
I have no idea what I will end up writing here; those of you who know me will be aware that I’m about to go travelling to South-east Asia (belated gap yah) and so I will probably try to write about my adventures pre-, during and post-trip. It might also include baking exploits, job hunting, weekends with friends, and other ramblings.
The final thing that I would like to write about will be in reference to the blog’s name: The Eczema Diaries. I've had eczema since before I can remember and am still dealing with it in various degrees of severity from month to month – what affects and causes it will probably be discussed and ranted about on here too. It’s always seemed to me that eczema is such a varied condition; for some people it's so much more extreme than others, and because of this it can be so hard to know how to treat it or even just how to live with it on a daily basis. It’s very much a trial-and-error kind of skin condition and I've always found it useful to hear a range of people's experiences for help and advice. Consequently, if I'm having a crappy eczema day, or I've found a great new cream or discovered a way to stop my eyes burning after wearing eyeshadow (fun fun) then I shall record it here.
Now that the introductions are out of the way, enjoy this photo of Batcat.
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